Episode 04: WTFlag - Jasper Johns “Three Flags” - 1960
Jasper Johns - “Three Flags” Pencil and Charcoal on Clayboard, 1960
Stephanie Dueñas and Russell Shoemaker discuss Three Flags; a drawing from 1960 based on a sculptural painting by the same name from 1958.
Our Art Pantry entry of the week is Encaustic.
Our Art Assignment is to make your own personal flag.
In this episode, we discuss Jasper John’s disruption of the 1950’s post-war New York art scene. Topics include: Prodigal Stephanie’s return to grey, Peach Cobbler seduction, Abstract Expressionism’s appeal to a changing America, Robert Rauschenberg’s bird-like wing, daydreaming about going on amazing journeys while looking at boring art, ‘scribbons,' and WTFlags mean to us.
Jasper Johns - “Three Flags” Pencil and Charcoal on Clayboard, 1960
Jasper Johns - “Three Flags” Encaustic painting, 1958
1950s New York City
Life Magazine spread August 1949 - Jackson Pollock: Is he the greatest living painter in the United States?
Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns, ca. 1954
Tiffany & Co. window display by Matson Jones Custom-Display (Rauschenberg + Johns’ commercial alias): Jewels at the end of a dock, (1957)
Robert Rauschenberg - “Untitled, 1963,” Oil, silkscreened ink, metal, and plastic on canvas, 1963
Andy Warhol - “Campbell’s Soup Cans” Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 1962
Jasper Johns and “Flag” Encaustic painting on canvas, 1954-55