Episode 25: The Golden Parrot - Francisco de Goya’s Los Caprichos (part two)
We are back (!) picking up where we left off with Francisco de Goya in PART ONE (Episode 24) as we finally discuss Los Caprichos, but not before diving into the revelatory hidden imagery in La familia de Carlos IV, and Goya's infamous witch series: Witches' Flight, The Spell, Witches' Sabbath, The Witches' Kitchen, and The Bewitched Man / Devil's Lamp.
We also address the myth that Goya went ‘crazy’ after a certain point in his life. Turns out, the answer was ‘no’ but also not that simple.
- - Part one can be found here: https://youtu.be/MZ9US22i0iE
- - Our dive into the Spanish Majos can be found here: https://youtu.be/ZE-kpKkOJtA
We will be following up our Goya episodes with a wrap up ‘sode on our Patreon very soon where we will talk about all the things, thoughts, feelings that went behind making this trio of Goya/Spanish culture related episodes: http://www.patreon.com/artslicepod
The Art Pantry this week is AQUATINT brought to you by our first Pantry guests Miranda & Reinaldo from Hello, Print Friend @helloprintfriend7464 - a podcast about all things printmaking. Follow them on IG @helloprintfriend for amazing print content and tutorials!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The featured music today was “That feeling when you are stuck in a libertarian world and don’t like it” by Soft and Furious @M0nplaisir
Go pick up the album!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAVEL WITH US!!! Go to http://www.artslicepod.com/travel to take a quick 2 min survey and let us know WHERE do you want to go? WHAT do you want to see? WHEN would you like to go?
Self-Portrait with Dr Arrieta, 1820. Oil on canvas. 45”x30”
El pelele (The Straw Manikin), 1791-92. Oil on canvas. 83”x48”
Yard with Lunatics, 1793-94. Oil on Canvas. 13”x17”
Prison Interior, 1793-94. Oil on canvas. 17”x13”
The Shipwreck, 1793-94. Oil on canvas. 20”x13”
Fire at Night, 1793-94. Oil on Canvas. 20”x13”
Detail. Charles IV of Spain and His Family, 1800-01. Oil on canvas. 110”x132”
Detail, Future king Ferdy 7. Charles IV of Spain and His Family, 1800-01. Oil on canvas. 110”x132”
Artemisia Gentileschi, Lot and His Daughters, 1636-38. Oil on canvas. 90”x72”
Witches’ Sabbath, 1797-98. Oil on canvas. 17”x12”
The Spell, 1798. Oil on canvas. 17”x12”
Witches’ Flight, 1798. Oil on canvas. 17”x12”
The Bewitched Man / Devil’s Lamp, 1798. Oil on canvas. 17”x12”
The Countess-Duchess of Benavente (Osuna), 1785. Oil on canvas. 41”x31”
Los Caprichos mentioned in the episode (keep scrolling for all 80)
Aquatint etchings, 1797-99. Roughly 30.5 × 20.8 cm (12 1/16 × 8 1/4 in.)
Capricho No. 2: El sí pronuncian y la mano alargan al primero que llega (They say yes and give their hand to the first comer)
Capricho No. 19: Todos caerán (Everyone will fall)
Capricho No. 26: Ya tienen asiento (Now they are sitting well)
Capricho No. 29: Esto sí que es leer (Now that's reading)
Capricho No. 32: Porque fue sensible (Because she was susceptible)
Capricho No. 41: Ni más ni menos (Neither more nor less)
Capricho No. 42: Tú que no puedes (Thou who cannot)
Capricho No. 46: Corrección (Correction)
Capricho No. 50: Los Chinchillas (The Chinchillas)
Capricho No. 52: ¡Lo que puede un sastre! (What a tailor can do!)
Capricho No. 75: ¿No hay quién nos desate? (Can't anyone unleash us?)
Capricho No. 77: Unos a otros (What one does to the other)
Capricho No. 21: ¡Cual la descañonan! (How they pluck her!)
Capricho No. 53: ¡Que pico de oro! (What a golden beak!)
Capricho No. 43: El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters)
Study for El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters)
Study for El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters)
Study for El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters)
The Colossus, 1814-1818. Aquatint etching.
Saturn Devouring His Son, 1820-23. Mixed Media.
(all 80)
Aquatint etchings, 1797-99. Roughly 30.5 × 20.8 cm (12 1/16 × 8 1/4 in.)
Capricho No. 1: Francisco Goya y Lucientes, pintor (Francisco Goya y Lucientes, painter)
Capricho No. 2: El sí pronuncian y la mano alargan al primero que llega (They say yes and give their hand to the first comer)
Capricho No. 3: Que viene el coco (Here comes the bogeyman)
Capricho No. 4: El de la Rollona (Nanny's boy)
Capricho No. 5: Tal para cual (Two of a kind)
Capricho No. 6: Nadie se conoce (Nobody knows himself)
Capricho No. 7: Ni así la distingue (Even thus he cannot make her out)
Capricho No. 8: ¡Que se la llevaron! (So they carried her off!)
Capricho No. 9: Tántalo
Capricho No. 10: El amor y la muerte (Love and death)
Capricho No. 11: Muchachos al avío (Lads making ready)
Capricho No. 12: A caza de dientes (Out hunting for teeth)
Capricho No. 13: Están calientes (They are hot)
Capricho No. 14: ¡Qué sacrificio! (What a sacrifice!)
Capricho No. 15: Bellos consejos (Good advice)
Capricho No. 16: Dios la perdone: y era su madre (For Heaven's sake: and it was her mother)
Capricho No. 17: Bien tirada está (It is nicely stretched)
Capricho No. 18: Y se le quema la casa (And the house is on fire)
Capricho No. 19: Todos caerán (Everyone will fall)
Capricho No. 20: Ya van desplumados (There they go plucked)
Capricho No. 21: ¡Cual la descañonan! (How they pluck her!)
Capricho No. 22: ¡Pobrecitas! (Poor little girls!)
Capricho No. 23: Aquellos polvos (Those specks of dust)
Capricho No. 24: No hubo remedio (There was no help)
Capricho No. 25: Si quebró el cántaro (He broke the pitcher)
Capricho No. 26: Ya tienen asiento (Now they are sitting well)
Capricho No. 27: ¿Quién más rendido? (Who more is surrendered?)
Capricho No. 28: Chitón (Hush)
Capricho No. 29: Esto sí que es leer (Now that's reading)
Capricho No. 30: ¿Por qué esconderlos? (Why hide them?)
Capricho No. 31: Ruega por ella (She prays for her)
Capricho No. 32: Porque fue sensible (Because she was susceptible)
Capricho No. 33: Al conde palatino (To the count palatine)
Capricho No. 34: Las rinde el sueño (Sleep overcomes them)
Capricho No. 35: Le descañona (She fleeces him)
Capricho No. 36: Mala noche (A bad night)
Capricho No. 37: ¿Si sabra más el discípulo? (Might not the pupil know more?)
Capricho No. 38: ¡Bravísimo! (Bravissimo!)
Capricho No. 39: Hasta su abuelo (And so was his grandfather)
Capricho No. 40: ¿De qué mal morirá? (Of what ill will he die?)
Capricho No. 41: Ni más ni menos (Neither more nor less)
Capricho No. 42: Tú que no puedes (Thou who cannot)
Capricho No. 43: El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters)
Capricho No. 44: Hilan delgado (They spin finely)
Capricho No. 45: Mucho hay que chupar (There is plenty to suck)
Capricho No. 46: Corrección (Correction)
Capricho No. 47: Obsequio al maestro (A gift for the master)
Capricho No. 48: Soplones (Snitches)
Capricho No. 49: Duendecitos (Hobgoblins)
Capricho No. 50: Los Chinchillas (The Chinchillas)
Capricho No. 51: Se repulen (They spruce themselves up)
Capricho No. 52: ¡Lo que puede un sastre! (What a tailor can do!)
Capricho No. 53: ¡Que pico de oro! (What a golden beak!)
Capricho No. 54: El vergonzoso (The shameful one)
Capricho No. 55: Hasta la muerte (Until death)
Capricho No. 56: Subir y bajar (To rise and to fall)
Capricho No. 57: La filiación (The filiation)
Capricho No. 58: Trágala, perro (Swallow it, dog)
Capricho No. 59: ¡Y aún no se van! (And still they don't go!)
Capricho No. 60: Ensayos (Trials)
Capricho No. 61: Volavérunt (They have flown)
Capricho No. 62: ¡Quién lo creyera! (Who would have thought it!)
Capricho No. 63: ¡Miren que graves! (Look how solemn they are!)
Capricho No. 64: Buen viaje (Bon voyage)
Capricho No. 65: ¿Dónde va mamá? (Where is mommy going?)
Capricho No. 66: Allá va eso (There it goes)
Capricho No. 67: Aguarda que te unten (Wait till you've been anointed)
Capricho No. 68: Linda maestra (Pretty teacher)
Capricho No. 69: Sopla (Gust the wind)
Capricho No. 70: Devota profesión (Devout profession)
Capricho No. 71: Si amanece, nos vamos (When day breaks we will be off)
Capricho No. 72: No te escaparás (You will not escape)
Capricho No. 73: Mejor es holgar (It is better to be lazy)
Capricho No. 74: No grites, tonta (Don't scream, stupid)
Capricho No. 75: ¿No hay quién nos desate? (Can't anyone unleash us?)
Capricho No. 76: Está vuestra merced... pues, como digo... ¡eh! ¡cuidado! si no... (You understand?... Well, as I say... eh! Look out! Otherwise...)
Capricho No. 77: Unos a otros (What one does to the other)
Capricho No. 78: Despacha, que despiertan (Be quick, they are waking up)
Capricho No. 79: Nadie nos ha visto (No one has seen us)
Capricho No. 80: Ya es hora (It is time)