Art Assignment - Episode 01

Simply put, Kandinsky was inspired to make abstract compositions based on the way he felt and saw (in his mind’s eye) form and color. He was also inspired by many other things, but the synesthesia he experienced since childhood made it possible for him to take that leap into the abstract swimming pool that… doesn’t… look like a pool anymore.

So for this week’s Art Slice Art Assignment, we are asking you to try out the same.

You can use any materials you have at your disposal. No reason to go out and buy artist materials. Use office supplies. Use a pencil. Use a pen. Use your cat.

If you use non-art supplies you can try the following:

Apply varying amounts of pressure when using a pencil or pen.

If using a pencil you can try using the side of the pencil, you can try breaking the sharp tip of the pencil to create a different thickness of line.

If you’re using markers you can play with opacity by layering up colors.

You can also use non-traditional materials by taking plant leafs, sticks, toothpicks, and dipping them in ink to see what kind of marks they make.

Stephanie made a quick example of how to make a composition based on music compositions. For this drawing she listened to YELLE ‘Emancipense.’

This is a synth

This is a synth

These are some vocals

These are some vocals

Here is the synthy bass stab

Here is the synthy bass stab

Here is a harmony

Here is a harmony

Here is another synth sound

Here is another synth sound

Here is the final drawing

Here is the final drawing

Have fun!

Be sure to send us an image of the work you’ve made - or @ us on instagram!


Episode 02: Yogafied - Martin Wong -Attorney Street (Handball Court with Autobiographical Poem by Piñero) - 1982-84


Episode 01: That Haystack Feelin’ - Wassily Kandinsky - Dominant Curve - 1936