Art Slice Short 01: The Taro Tarot Cards of Art History
Leonora Carrington’s The Sun from her suite of the Major Arcana, 1955
In your snack-size serving of Art History this week, Stephanie Dueñas and Russell Shoemaker briefly discuss the influence of Tarot Cards on artists from the 20th century with a couple contemporary examples sprinkled in including Leonora Carrington, Salvador Dali, Andre Breton and (some of) the Surrealists, Remedios Varo, Yoshitaka Amano and Suzanne Treister.
Topics include: the history of Tarot, taro (root), card spread on baguettes, Speed Racer, and Madonna’s image thievery.
The Art Assignment this week is: Design or create your own tarot card! Redesign an existing tarot card OR if one doesn’t speak to you, create your own a la Breton.
Leonora Carrington’s The Fool from her suite of the Major Arcana, 1955
Salvador Dali’s Death from 1984
Tower, Moon, and Magician from Salvador Dali’s Tarot, 1984
Playing card from Loteria featuring La Rosa (Rose) and La Muerte (Death), similar to Dali’s Death Tarot
A few examples of Andre Breton’s + (some) Surrealists’ Le Jeu de Marseille, 1943
A few examples of Andre Breton’s + (some) Surrealists’ Le Jeu de Marseille, 1943
A set of cards from Yoshitaka Amano’s tarot deck, 1992
Suzanne Treister’s The Hermit and The Moon, 2009-11
Suzanne Treister’s The Fool and The Lovers, 2009-11
Tadanori Yokoo’s poster The Aesthetic Of The End, 1966
Remedios Varo’s painting, The Hermit, 1955
Remedios Varo’s painting The Lovers, 1963
Remedios Varo’s painting The Lovers, (cropped) 1963 / Still from Madonna’s “Bedtime Stories” video, 1994
Leonora Carrington’s painting The Giantess, 1947
Leonora Carrington’s painting The Giantess, (cropped) 1947 / Still from Madonna’s Bedtime Stories video, 1994
A few cards from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, possibly the most popular one for tarot reading, first published in 1909
A few cards from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, possibly the most popular one for tarot reading, first published in 1909
Unknown artist, Mantegna Tarocchi, Luna (Moon), in the style of Renaissance painter Andrea Mantegna, print - engraving with gilding c. 1465
Alexandrov Atanassov’s The Tower, The Moon, The Magician tarots in the style of Hieronymus Bosch, 2000
Tarot Art Assignments:
El Mirror-O TarO by Stephanie Dueñas